Rottweiler Guard Dogs Training 2021 | Rottweiler Dogs

Oh rottweiler bird-dogs through the suit all right today's video the superpower of, rottweilers now i had already. Put up a, couple of years ago, a video called the crushing fight. Capability of rottweilers testifying just like those clips you precisely examined. When bite work is done properly, if you go far a clothing and take gnaws from rottweilers, it is extremely distressing. Now i've done all reproduces for 25 years, and i tell every new trainer that comes on to my staff or any coach that's coming to me to provide training as a instructor until you feel a rottweiler in a dres. You haven ,' t felt anything a rottweiler's. Supremacy is just unbelievable compared to most other raises. Okay. So this video today, a friend of mine, transport me this video that somebody else had put up called the power of rottweilers. Okay. Now he communicated it to me for two reasons, one to say i really in the video, the stuff that these people are showing. I cannot tell that the rottweiler has a lot of superpower. The channel they're, showing it in the video in bite, drive, okay and too they computed my videos into their video, and that was the only way that people could tell that the rottweiler had that kind of power in their bite privilege. It was simply because the clips of mine that they used in there pictured the serious supremacy when it's done right right. So, of course , none knows that those special excerpts in that video is coming from my video, the oppres gnaw supremacy of rottweilers that i improved on those rottweilers. Okay, so, and the only reason bringing that up is because that is going to be the subject of the video. Today so the, clips i'm going to, evidence you here you're going to, see this rottweiler being learnt, in the clothing and he's, probably once qualified. So this is the end result and looks like he'- s a police hound but you.'re gon na meet - and i want you to watch over and over again that the dog is grabbing the clothing and plucking away right. So when a pup does that you are never gon na feel the supremacy of that pup right, because you're not making the dog use his power and show his influence right. So extremely if it's a police, pup right or any personal protection dog. We school me in my plan to push through and framed that ability on to really articulated a beat down on a accused or somebody breaking into your residence or whatever it is so we i do the opposite right for the above reasons. So here in this video, when you assure the rottweiler grabbing the clothing and only drawing apart the guy in the dres, could make this all day right, he's feeling good-for-nothing in the suit. This comes down to how a teach is coaching bite, occupation and when it's done properly right and in my hearts that's why people application my videos of shepherds, rottweilers giant schnauzers. I want i find my video excerpts in everybody else :' s times when they're trying to show the capability of a make right, because i show the anguish right. The stigmatizes on the arms right, all those blood discolorations on the arms. Oh, he got you good, oh damn good! That was through the sleeve that's through the sleeve that's growing on there holy. Oh, my god, oh that was this arm through the clothing, and this is all comes down to how a instructor builds. The the pierce, occurrence, okay, so all makes - will punish you and will hurt being taught to push in and always push and and view okay, but the rottweiler when doing that. Only like the other reproduces it is unbelievable and excruciating all right and also that's. Why i've always said in all my videos. If you "re coming with me" all my shelter videos, you always interpret no matter what and all the breeds propagandizing into the americans and ever all over us in us and putting that push down title in the chest in the there and driving in and harbouring on to us right. Not gathering apart putting all that power, so we can't escape in the paraphernalium, the strength of the gnaws. So now you realize the rottweilers when they're bite now you can see that when they bite the guy's form is going backwards and the loot was going in and propagandizing that body right , not gathering apart. Oh, oh my god. Oh, my divinity makes a huge difference and i'm telling you you can hear here when he's, making those burns that's not forgery trash, that's not just for nothing and leisure. So, and just so, you know behind the scenes on those days "that weve got" those people "re gonna have to" make the pierces from these rottweilers. It was every weekend when we were going to you know: do the bite working in collaboration with these chaps, the decoys that are taking the bikes they're in the video. Nobody wants to take the bicycles from the rottweilers right. So every time it was a rottweiler.'s turn to come up and and do the bite creation everybody "il be going". Ah, do we have to do the rottweilers today? Can we wait for them for next week, so everybody always wanted to bypass the rottweilers since they are reached you in with power in the claim discerns, i mean you want to cry fatty crank back. Oh, he got you good and we're talking added material, gauntlets towels. On top of the oversized clothing, i mean you ,' re, still not safe. Oh we have this, then. If it was going to be high pierces like we were doing, we would introduced this all the way up to protect that bicep and that internal appendage here is very painful when they affected you there i mean you lose a lot of flexible in it, but hey To get rid of that sorenes and then we would situate the towels over that and then the thick-skulled bodysuit to get in there, and now we're triple done triple protected. That's very difficult. I mean for any dog truly, but this is what happens even with triple protection with a good morsel rottweiler. I tried to hold on that's. How much crazy power is in that jaw in that neck i mean it's just unbelievable. Also why we ever say you discover the rottweiler just briefly just got him up there at one shot in the dresser, and this is with extra cushion under and right away. The decoy had to stop and hurl the clothing off because it's excruciating. When you get hit up in this area right i imply the other eclipse is taking them now right. It's still excessively unpleasant right, but you can see he's hanging in oh and it hurts. While he moves around the dog is digging in and propagandizing right, but up in here one shot in one second of a shot. You can't anymore. You went ta, let it go so imagine if no gear , no armour you get hit from here up in now by one of the following options roddies i mean you are gon na faint. I've seen it happen. I've had decoys and people. I work with with shepherds extremely so shepherds rotties. They chew up in this field with that good setback through superpower, like i school i've seen decoys in one second, that can't take it and they put to their knees and they turn white-hot and they're in swooning procedure good. Oh, we got you, i represent so that's why i personally focus on here in right anywhere up to the elbows in real shelter part, because in real life with no rig on i don't care, you have gone, they nibble you even exactly a Little bit opposing you're gon na. Let go and drop everything, because your nerves cannot do anything else, but scroll and tell everything croak it's excruciating all right. So that is why i always explain to everybody. We don't do sleeve chews in rehearsal merely pre studying. My end result in my discipline is always going to be hearing the dress, because that target is a game over in one. Second, i symbolize simply a touch without a suit on. You are gon na cry so like that rottweiler was doing there in the dres. If i had a sweater on - and i was a suspect direct from a police pup or i broke into somebody -'s house and the dog did bite use. That nature - and i just stick my forearm out - they're gon na grab - i might feel a good initial tinge right from the initial burn, but then the dog is gon na pull on that excess and they're gon na start gathering. You like this right, so if that happens, most bird-dogs who do tug like that and pull away, they're not just trying to hurt the man they're , not really into that activity. It's just a tug of war. So i could just take this off right. He's already got it and i just start go. Let him have it right and i can try to get out the door while he's tugging on it and then just let him have it and get out the door and shut the door right. Precisely in case he came off the sweater and he was going to reattack right. So this opens the person or persons the believe, a big advantage when you get a dog who pulls like that on the suits right and that usually comes from the way they do sleeve production. So you'll assure a great deal of experiences that they send the dog flying. The dog gets the chews right and they're draw and they're trying not to let them pluck right and then, when they're ready, they let the sleeve go and the dog pulls apart and rolls around the field within his mouth right and That kind of behavior generates pups to tend to draw a lot. When you tell the sleeve disappear from a pull and right so that's the wage effecting when they get on the clothings like that dog that rottweiler in there and now you have all this excess right. I mean you have all this material here. So when a bird-dog doesn't bite penetrating and hard, like my puppies do right, they're gon na grasp that excess and only move back. So what was happening with the chap there, when the dog hopped in the car and pulled his arm out, pranced in the truck and pulled on him? When the chap was on the floor, he was pulling him apart right. The chap fully evaded all ache and any pressure that that bird-dog had in him because he knows once the dog gets the excess. He's not going to dig in and try to hurt the man. He's going to give the suit and play with it and he's going to pull, pull and now the whole arm of the chap is here and the dog's got now and here's, my forearm right and rottweilers. Don't have a very long nose either right, so you read all that excess when the dog draws. If you're a smart decoy right, you precisely keep your arm all the way back here. To avoid the punishment - and you experience, the dog is gathering pellet, missile attract and there's nothing to me. I feel nothing of that dog and why? Because the dog is not biting properly, he should not be used as grabbing the excess and pulling right. The dog should be digging in there's no way to flee. Now that is gon na hurt, and i can tell you every day of my life doing protection because i teach it. The other path is to push in and propagandize us downwards, propagandize and push us backwards and cover us propagandize us and push them out as far as they can get into us and to subdue down right. So i have nowhere to go in the dress. So i get penalise right so would have them in now spurt and they push in, and i have nowhere for my appendage to go the dog's got me completely and i feel all the power of his back mouth and it is excruciating. So we wrap up good, so that is the difference. How you educate bite task stimulates many different things: okay and schooling the backwards plucking is a no no and in my structure i just put up in this video happens to come in a week after that. I exactly put up my video two on protection: set dogs, how to civilize armour bird-dogs. Segment. Two character, two that i just came out with last week, is exactly teaching this the foundation of not to let them attract and how we counter it and then school them. The opposite to seeing how to dig in and propagandize and penalise the americans and not tell dogs pull away. Okay kills, the morsels kills the game and it grants assailant, burglar, big advantage to get out of that activity and flee so until next time, richard heinz miami dog whisperer. Oh, my divinity, oh that was this army through the dres you.


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