Galt Toys, Horrible Science – Slippery Slime, Science Kit for Kids

Horrible Science and Slippery slime Experiments for Kids

Guaranteed to turn your stomach and blow your mind, the Horrible Science range includes the slippery slime from Galt is science, but with all the squishy bits left in!Horrible Science - Slippery Slime, Science Kit

Based on the bestselling books written by Nick Arnold and illustrated by Tony De Saulles, the Horrible Science kits open a world of discovery and make learning fiendishly fun.

Kids can try their hand at weird and wonderful experiments, explore nasty nature, learn about volatile volcanoes, produce putrid kitchen pongs, create a lava lamp and get to grips with bulging brains and eerie eyeballs.

Each kit contains an illustrated lab notebook or Horrible Info Leaflet for step by step instructions for these fantastically fun chemistry and biology experiments, so children can begin learning foul facts right away!

  Make your own slippery slime, mould a slithery glow worm, check out how many squelchy farts, discover why glow worms glow and other foul facts! Contents: glow-in-the-dark slime with glow worm mould, make your own slime powder, plastic pot, fart pot, wiggly eyes, and 'horrible Info' leaflet.... Horrible Science - Slippery Slime, Science Kit 2 Horrible Science - Slippery Slime, Science Kit 1
  • Its cool to make your own slippery slime
  • You can Mould a slithery glow worm, check out how many squelchy farts, learn why glow worms glow and other foul facts
  • You will be given glow-in-the-dark slime with glow worm mould, to enable you to make your own slime powder, plastic pot, even a fart pot, wiggly eyes.
  • These are more than Suitable from 5 yrs of age and upwards 


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